Corona Virus (Covid 19) and Anxiety

It’s an interesting time in history.

Social media appears to have taken over physical community and organic bonding. People are staring more at their screens, instead of at each other. Talking on the phone is a thing of the past…now it’s text messages. Real community, which our minds and bodies need, is being pushed out in many places, especially in the developed countries.

Now, add on top of this negligence a pandemic that is causing many people to isolate, quarantine, and shelter-in-place for long periods of time. The little bit of community people were experiencing on a day-to-day basis, is now completely removed. People are now dealing with complete isolation. The results will be interesting, and hopefully not too detrimental.

Religions around the globe have often taught the importance of awareness, meditation, prayer, and silence. It’s in silence that an individual often discovers purpose, meaning, and awakening. But…does forced silence benefit people who are not seeking a deeper meaning to life? Does forced isolation benefit the mental health of people who are not prepared to live with themselves? Can people handle a complete lack of physical community?

I’m sure many studies will be conducted on this period in history, but what’s most important is how you live your life right now, today, this moment…regardless of what is happening. You have two choices, accept it or don’t.

If you don’t accept the current conditions of our world, then you may experience anxiety and depression. Why would anyone want to experience those states-of-mind? If you do accept the present moment isolation during this pandemic, then you may discover a new perspective, a new you.

Practice mindfulness, because it is always available to you in the present moment. And learn to live in silence, in which you can hear many things.

30 Days to Reduce Anxiety - a fun and effective mindfulness guide. Find it on Amazon.