30 Days to Overcome Fear of Missing Out

by Harper Daniels

It seems as though everyone has experienced FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) at one point or another. What about you? What is it that you’re afraid of missing, either in the present or the future? Are you concerned about missing an event, a business opportunity, a relationship, a travel destination, a living experience, a higher education, or starting a family? FOMO can be experienced with regard to almost anything. Whatever experience you’re afraid of missing out on, it’s not worth the fear, worry, and anxiety. This mindfulness program will help you drop an unhealthy attachment to FOMO, so that you can start living a happy and fulfilling life in the present moment. 

With the prevalence of social media, FOMO is on the rise at an extraordinary pace. Online pictures and news feeds are sending messages about the latest events, newest restaurants, most popular trends, recent tech products, hottest travel destinations, and so forth. Businesses, organizations, and influencers are using FOMO to drive revenue; it’s no secret. Marketers hope that you experience FOMO continuously, so that you’ll fall in line and buy whatever they’re advertising, at a significant price. As you’ll discover throughout this mindfulness program, that price is your present moment happiness.

The time to awaken and drop the fear is…now. There is no need for FOMO in your life.