30 Days to Overcome Fear of Failure

by Corin Devaso

Failure is an interesting concept. Rarely do you hear people say to one another, “You’re a failure,” or “You’ve failed.” However, it is quite common to hear such statements internally; that is, coming from our private repetitive thought patterns. Think about it; when was the last time a person directly accused you of being a failure? Though you may have experienced a person asserting that you’re a failure, it surely doesn’t happen often – except in extreme cases. Failure is a learned idea that you can overcome and drop; and this 30 day mindfulness program will help you live free from the fear that accompanies this false conception of reality.

Remember that the concept of failure is in direct relation to the concept of success. We tend to adopt societal beliefs of failure and success without reflecting on how these two ideas apply to our unique experience. Imagine if you were the only person left on the planet: how would you define failure and success without anyone else confirming your belief? In this last-person-alive situation you might define success as simply staying alive and healthy, and failure as dying or incurring a serious injury. The point being: failure and success are entirely conceptual; and as a conceptual dependency, the fear of it can be dropped. This mindfulness program will guide you to overcome this unhealthy abstract reliance. 

This mindfulness program involves 30 days of lessons and exercises to help you overcome patterns of thinking, feelings, and attachments that have kept you stuck in a fear of failure. Though these lessons and exercises can be applied to any unhealthy reliance, this program will focus specifically on the misconception of failure.